The rule: Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below.Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.
The Age of Next Birthday
x pyh le tau umo akak..
baca zodiac tu dah le... huhuhu..
Place I'd Like To Travel
teringin nk gi Mekah..
tp ntah bila agaknya... hmm..
pstu klau dpt pegi tpt2 yg byk bunga camni..
bestnyaaaa.... bleh guling2 cam cite hindi..
A Favourite Place
eceli akak ni homely person gitu..
suka dok umah je..
lagi2 klau umah cam cottage ni..
gi piknik.. bestnya..
atau ke tepi pantai..
A Favourite Food
saya suka nasi goreng..
tiap-tiap hari saya makan nasi goreng..
A Favourite Thing
i have my own collections..
(motif tetiba speaking??)
Nickname I Had
x de nickname.. just MEGA...
Favourite Colour
Name of My Love
hb, family.. sume sekali lah..
A Hobby
baca novel..
klau dah start baca x toleh kiri kanan..
Bad Habit
fuyoooo akak cepat melenting...
tp cepat sejuk..
My Wishlist
nak baby.. nak baby...
semoga dipanjangkan umo.. dimurahkan rezeki..
selamat dunia akhirat..

baca zodiac tu dah le... huhuhu..
Place I'd Like To Travel

tp ntah bila agaknya... hmm..

bestnyaaaa.... bleh guling2 cam cite hindi..
A Favourite Place

suka dok umah je..
lagi2 klau umah cam cottage ni..

A Favourite Food

tiap-tiap hari saya makan nasi goreng..
A Favourite Thing

i have my own collections..
(motif tetiba speaking??)
Nickname I Had

Favourite Colour

Name of My Love

A Hobby

klau dah start baca x toleh kiri kanan..
Bad Habit

tp cepat sejuk..
My Wishlist

selamat dunia akhirat..
dah bayar hutang kat anis ye... hua hua hua...
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